IPG Automotive Releases Version 13.0 of the CarMaker Product Family

Leverage the potential of virtual reality in virtual test driving

IPG Automotive publishes release 13.0 of the CarMaker product family. In addition to a new HD Scenario, the simulation and test software puts forward new 3D models and an extended configurable ground truth sensor. Furthermore, the program can now be linked with virtual reality headsets for the first time.

In addition to different application extensions, the latest version of the CarMaker product family offers users a more realistic visualization of scenarios and models.

An HD city tunnel scenario with difficult lighting conditions, emergency bays, inner tunnel junctions, road works and accidents for example covers various edge cases. Moreover, new 3D models allow for customized simulations. Own vehicle models can be integrated into Movie NX without using a third-party tool.

The new version of the Scenario Editor increases efficiency and ensures an even more realistic scenario generation with extended processing of .kml files, improved visualization of road markings and optimization of HD Live Maps import as well as OpenDRIVE import/export. In the background, OpenSCENARIO Converter now supports OpenSCENARIO versions 1.0, 1.1 and 1.2.

An additional novelty is the extended ground truth sensor. It allows to generate precise ground truth data, especially for the development of AV and ADAS applications, in a modular, flexible and powerful way, and supports the recognition of static landscape objects.

With the product variant CarMaker Office Extended released with CarMaker 13, users can test specific ECU hardware in real time without requiring a complete HIL environment.

Movie NX, the visualization tool of the CarMaker product family, now optionally supports two VR headsets: HTC VIVE Cosmos Elite and Meta Quest Pro. They increase the immersive effect and provide a better perception of distances and 3D objects. The high level of realism allows to execute function tests and risk analyses in a very realistic environment with high efficiency and precision as well as to develop new application areas.

Aside from an extended wheel suspension model, CarMaker 13 also offers a new hydraulic brake model which can model integrated power brakes. Two additional innovations: The physical sensor API to integrate user-specific signal processing now enables the direct output of all impact points of emitted beams with an additional access point. The modularized IPGDriver model can be adapted independently from the test run and thus allows to consider different driver profiles in powertrain applications for example.

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Among other things, CarMaker 13 includes an HD city tunnel scenario with different edge cases.