How can you optimize your simulation workflow with vertical integration?

The use of simulation already offers potential savings in cost and time when developing vehicles. Nevertheless, it is still rarely applied seamlessly throughout the entire development process.

That is where the concept of vertical integration comes into play, as it seeks to make use of simulation across the borders of software development – from function planning to validation in the vehicle.

Learn how we at IPG Automotive implement vertical integration by utilizing simulation throughout the complete vehicle development process, from model-in-the-loop (MIL), to software-in-the-loop (SIL) and hardware-in-the-loop (HIL), to vehicle-in-the-loop (VIL) in our latest TECH TALK episode. Our expert uses the example of an AEB (autonomous emergency braking) function to guide you through the steps of vertical integration and shows how we as a provider of vehicle-based simulation software and real-time hardware systems enable end-to-end workflows from MIL to VIL.

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Tech Talk on vertical integration

Simulation workflow optimization with vertical integration - Tech Talk with Carl Squire.