CarMaker training courses now available online

Whether you need support to take the first steps with our simulation solutions, or a detailed overview of the functionalities of CarMaker – we offer software training courses on different topics for all levels of knowledge.  

Up to this point, training courses either took place at our premises or we brought them to you, but as of now, online courses are also available online: 

Depending on your chosen course, your will attend daily training sessions of 4.5 hours over two to four days to gain theoretical knowledge on your chosen topic, to acquire in-depth skills via product demonstrations and exercises and to ask our experts your questions. Training courses are available for User Level and Power User Level. 

In addition to our open training courses with participants from different companies, we offer exclusive courses that are tailored to your exact needs.  

Find more information on our scheduled trainings, costs involved and registration here.

CarMaker training courses online

We offer training courses on different topics and for all levels.