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Transfer a Simulink Plug-in Model from CarMaker/Office to CarMaker for Simulink?


How can I integrate a Plug-In Simulink model that has been compiled for CarMaker/Office in CarMaker for Simulink (CM4SL)?


It's possible to integrate previously defined Simulink models in a new CM4SL project. To do so, please follow these steps:

Step 1) In Matlab, run the cmenv.m script in the "src_cm4sl" folder of the new project directory.

Step 2) Open the CM4SL GUI via Simulink.

Step 3) Open the Simulink model of the Plug-in. Before the C-Code can be generated with the Simulink coder, it is necessary to adapt a few settings: In the Simulink coder tab, go to "Configuration Settings". Where it says "CarMaker project source directory", change the default path to the path of your "src_cm4sl" folder. Before clicking "Apply", make sure the settings look like this:

Note: If you have a linux computer, the template makefile should be: CarMaker_unix-linux64.tmf

Step 4) Build the Plug-In. In the corresponding section of the GUI, the PlugIn will now appear. It can be selected and used inside the CM4SL project.

Note: before running the Simulation, check that you have updated the path of the new "src_cm4sl folder" in Matlab.

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  • Date: 30.04.2020
  • Product: CarMaker
  • Version: 8.1
  • Component: CM4SL
  • Language: English

