Close the gap between virtual and real test driving with Vehicle-in-the-Loop
At IPG Automotive, Vehicle-in-the-Loop describes a test method that combines simulation-based and real testing to raise proving ground tests to the next level. Depending on the individual customer use case, our experts configure a customized test setup.
What is Vehicle-in-the-Loop?
- Vehicle-in-the-Loop is a test method to seamlessly and continuously test advanced driver assistance systems and automated driving functions on proving grounds
- This method enables testing in a detailed virtual environment with simulated road users, while the physical vehicle drives on the test track
- Passengers can experience how the physical vehicle reacts to events from the simulated world live on board. At the same time, the movement of the physical vehicle including all subcomponents is transferred into the simulation environment
- The test setup comprises different hardware and software solutions that are installed in the physical prototype according to your individual requirements
Who benefits from Vehicle-in-the-Loop?
For example
- development teams working on ADAS and automated driving functions,
- application engineers responsible for system integration of ADAS
- and many more.
Why Vehicle-in-the-Loop?
- Seamless testing, validation and evaluation in all development stages
- Early integration of real components into the system network
- NCAP tests before the production vehicle is available
- Realistic testing
- Experience the vehicle behavior on board
- Less costs and effort thanks to a fully simulated environment
- Easy adaptation and reproducibility for increased flexibility and variability in testing
- Reduced risks with simulation-based testing
- Homologation
How can you use Vehicle-in-the-Loop?
- Apply Vehicle-in-the-Loop to test ADAS und automated driving functions throughout all stages of development
- Vehicle-in-the-Loop can be used in function development and considers criteria such as safety, comfort and dynamics
- Experience functionality tests behind the steering wheel of a vehicle
- Carry out participant tests with Vehicle-in-the-Loop
Use cases at a glance
Your benefits at a glance
Make statements about system maturity early on
Savings in time and costs
No physical equipment necessary
Direct experience
Experience technical functionalities and impacts live
Modular and expandable
Adapted to individual use cases including possibility to expand the system
Extensive know-how
+10 years of integration experience