Collaboration between IPG Automotive and Ansys: Simulation Solutions for Virtual Test Driving

The simulation platforms CarMaker and VRXPERIENCE join forces

IPG Automotive and Ansys collaborate in a strategic partnership. Their goal is to accelerate vehicle development with a new interface between the simulation platforms CarMaker and VRXPERIENCE.

IPG Automotive and Ansys work jointly to improve and advance developments in the field of autonomous driving and driver assistance. The combination of IPG Automotive’s CarMaker and Ansys’ VRXPERIENCE forms synergies that enable mutual customers to benefit from the advantages of both platforms.

As an open integration and test platform, CarMaker provides the basis for virtual test driving. The simulation platform follows the automotive systems engineering principle and enables a seamless development and validation of the overall system in the full vehicle and in realistic scenarios. For this purpose, CarMaker combines a holistic environment model including highly detailed simulation models. Real-time capable physical models of all relevant sensor technologies allow for testing and validation of automated driving functions.

Its combination with VRXPERIENCE opens up various possibilities for customers: they can, for instance, test the human machine interface, simulate headlights or apply physically based sensor simulation. The interface between CarMaker and VRXPERIENCE allows to use the models from both simulation environments to meet the increasingly complex requirements in the fields of AV and ADAS.

The ensured real-time capability also enables a seamless usage in the development process from MIL to SIL to HIL which maximizes cost and time savings.