V2X technology for safe and efficient traffic

To take the next step into a future with automated vehicles, vehicles need to communicate reliably with each other as well as with persons, traffic objects such as traffic lights, and networks. The vehicle-to-everything (V2X) technology enables this communication and is thus an essential part of future traffic management. The exchange of information allows to coordinate and synchronize various road users as well as to warn them in case of hazardous situations. Therefore, the technology has two goals: Making traffic more efficient and safer at the same time. To reach these goals, communication has to be reliable at all times and validated through extensive system and integration tests. Different protocols as well as varying test cases with a plethora of traffic constellations make necessary tests complex and laborious.

To lower testing complexity and make dealing with it more efficient, CarMaker provides a novel V2X Interface. V2X applications can be tested and validated in closed-loop simulation and with all familiar advantages. The V2X Interface allows to integrate respective software as well as hardware which can be flexibly adapted with C code. It models crucial standard protocols such as ETSI or SAE messages. The results can then directly be visualized in Movie NX.

With a variety of scenarios and individually configurable communication channels, the solutions from IPG Automotive support the development of V2X functionalities. To generate the specific test cases, developers have access to adapted sample scenarios. These can be used for fundamental technologies, so-called Day 1 topics such as data dissemination as well as for further development such as VRU protection (Day 2) and cooperative automated driving (Day 3+). By integrating the V2X Interface in the CarMaker product family, IPG Automotive supports the development towards safer and more efficient traffic. Visit our website for more information and insights or get in touch with our colleagues directly.

V2X Interface

To take the next step into a future with automated vehicles, vehicles need to communicate reliably with each other as well as with persons, traffic objects such as traffic lights, and networks.