CarMaker release 13.1 available now

The definition of different weather conditions plays a crucial role to create realistic test conditions for camera sensors. Different visibility conditions have a massive impact on sensory perception, which is why these effects are an important part of simulation environments.

With the latest release, we were able to extend our detailed and configurable weather events available in our visualization tool Movie NX. In addition to the long-standing option to adapt volumetric cloud and fog formation easily and realistically in the simulation environment, we are now adding rain modeling to the collection.

With rain modeling, it is possible to adapt the parameterization of rain rate as well as different wind conditions. By adapting the wind strength and direction for example, you can have an impact on the trajectory of particles.

In the context of camera testing, all effects have a direct and indirect impact on the field of view. From reflecting puddles to spray of vehicles driving in front to the actual camera placement behind a windshield covered with raindrops: The new weather modeling in CarMaker 13.1 allows you to increase your covered test cases many times over.

The other highlights of the CarMaker release 13.1 are focusing on the realistic as well as efficient scenario generation, too. We extended the simulation model for road users to represent traffic situations even more realistically, especially on complex road networks. Furthermore, we continue to focus on the on-going expansion and improvement of our OpenSCENARIO XML support. This is an important building block for us to support the use of standardized and exchangeable scenarios.

With the CarMaker release 13.1 rain modeling is now available in our visualization tool Movie NX