A perfect mix: IPG Automotive Korea

In the middle of the vibrant metropolis Seoul, IPG Automotive Korea operates close to the Lotte World tower, the highest building in the Korean capital. A team of 24 dedicated associates is working at this location under the leadership of Changhoon Nam. Experienced leaders from Korean OEMs come together with young passionate engineers, creating the perfect mix of experienced and new colleagues to work towards the same goal.

Using different approaches for the same goal ¬– this way of working is also reflected in the project and customer portfolio of the Korean team. They work together with OEMs and tier 1 suppliers as well as with research institutes and universities not only in Korea, but in the whole Southeast Asian region including Singapore, Thailand, Maylasia and Vietnam. All activities follow the aim to support virtual vehicle development, enhance software expertise and shape new trends in the automotive industry. 

In addition to CarMaker expertise, the Korean team also focusses on HIL projects and VIRTO. Several steering test systems became part of the development process of various customers in Korea thanks to the Korean team who collaborated with international colleagues from IPG Automotive. Important projects with our latest product VIRTO take place at Korean customers. With the knowledge gained in these projects, Korea plays an essential part in the advancement and establishment of the tool suite.

IPG Automotive Korea combines experience with passion, business and education, products from software and hardware and corporate traditions with innovative spirit and efficiency. These combinations create the perfect mix making the team a strong partner for customers and colleagues.

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In July, the Korean team presented products, solutions and projects.