Run-Time Verification and Virtual Homologation of ALKS (2022)

Legal Requirements as a Service

The UNECE released the worldwide first regulation ‘R157’ for Level-3 automated driving function, namely ALKS. However, currently there are still no regulations that address the effective and safe autonomy deployment. Even though in R157, each provision refers a set of requirements on ALKS which need interpretation and validation. As a result, the homologation of ALKS stays a challenging task for both OEMs and authority.

In a recent project, Kontrol has implemented and demonstrated its technology regarding requirement processing and validation in virtual environment. Within this project, R157 was analyzed and processed to derive a set of legal requirements as well as corresponding technical requirements. A set of selected requirements were transferred into so-called formal language and implemented in a software modules as legal compliance monitor/verifier.

This proposal illustrated the virtual homologation of ALKS by integrating KoSim (digitalized ALKS requirements) in IPG Carmaker for virtual validation of ALKS homologation. The proposed project results refer to exemplary legal requirements derived from the selected Provisions from R157 ALKS, their implementation in KoSim as monitor/verifier for virtual validation by using IPG Carmaker.

The proposal clarifies various pass criterion, namely Rule Violation / Compliance, derived from R157, based on exemplary test scenarios derived from standard scenarios listed in ANNEX of R157 ALKS.

In addition, some exemplary country specified legal requirements are introduced for German Highway as well as demonstrated, which will play a key role in the homologation of country specified ADF deployment.