No connection for all CarMaker clients (IPGMovie, IPGControl, Instruments)
When opening any CarMaker client (IPGMovie, IPGControl, Instruments) via the CarMaker Main GUI, all clients remain disconnected to the running application, even after executing a “Start&Connect” or running the simulation.
This means that IPGMovie doesn’t show an animation, IPGControl can’t load any quantities and Instruments remains in the default view.
Some specific firewall settings lead to the PC not being able to communicate with itself via “HostName”, even though communication via “localhost” remains valid.
The issue can’t be solved on CarMaker-end seeing as the firewall settings are user-specific. Affected customers need to contact their IT.
- Start clients via command line with option “-connect” (This uses “localhost”).
- Turn off firewall.
- Use .mod-file (attached below) that forces the main GUI to convey “localhost” instead of the host name to all clients.
The .mod-file needs to be saved to the “IPG/carmaker/your_CM_version/GUI” folder in the installation directory. It has the following function:
If, and only if, CarMaker GUI was started with the command line argument “-apphost localhost”, then for starting Instruments, IPGMovie, IPGControl, etc. from the GUI the exact same command line argument will be used.
In all other cases (i.e. when not using “-apphost” at all or using “-apphost” with a different hostname), it is possible that upon starting the mentioned programs “-apphost” with a hostname argument different from what was originally specified for the CarMaker GUI might be passed. In this case the mod won’t lead to the desired behaviour.
Valid for CarMaker 7, 8 and 9.
- Date: 28.07.2020
- Product: CarMaker
- Version: 9.0
- Component: APO
- Language: English