Before we all enjoy our well-deserved winter holidays, we invite you to attend our Quick-Start Webinar: Sensor Simulation in CarMaker. This webinar gives you an overview of the sensor simulation portfolio available in our CarMaker product family.
What to expect:
- IPG Automotive company introduction
- Sensor simulation portfolio
- Sensor model interfaces Sensor model concept
- Q&A
The CarMaker product family offers simulation models for all sensor technologies and different levels of fidelity.
This webinar is aimed at everyone working with trucks, busses, agricultural machines or other heavy-duty vehicles and interested in virtual test driving.
The session will highlight various challenges in the development of heavy-duty vehicles like trucks or busses and present how the simulation software TruckMaker helps to overcome them.
It will guide you through the development cycle and focus on the everyday work of different development and test teams.
Note: The demos in the webinar focus on commercial vehicles but can also be applied to the entire off-highway industry and used in a similar way for agricultural or construction machines, among others.
Our next Quick-Start Webinar is just around the corner! This time, we will take a closer look at off-highway vehicles.
The session will highlight various challenges in the virtual development of different off-highway vehicles, and present how our software TruckMaker helps to overcome them.
This Quick-Start Webinar targets engineers, researchers and enthusiasts. It will guide you through various virtual scenarios and simulate different driving manoeuvers with a virtual vehicle in our TruckMaker simulation software.
- 使用 CarMaker 进行基于场景的 ADAS 测试
- 介绍环境(3D 道路网络)、交通、自我车辆、传感器和驾驶员的仿真模型
- 使用带有交互式虚拟现实动画的驾驶模拟器测试 ADAS 人机界面
- 摄像头 HIL 测试环境:使用虚拟摄像头传感器测试车道保持辅助系统
- 使用车辆在环 (VIL) 方法在真实车辆环境中测试泊车辅助功能
- 自动执行测试场景,包括特定的 Euro NCAP 测试场景
- 使用 CarMaker 模拟真实驾驶,包括 3D 车辆、3D 道路轨迹、驾驶员和交通
- 传统、混合动力和电动动力系统仿真模型环境简介
- 在发动机、动力总成和滚筒测试台上使用 CarMaker:在真实驾驶条件下进行开发和测试
- 借助虚拟试驾调查实际驾驶排放 (RDE) 并确定实际消耗
- 将电子地平线用于预测系统,例如 用于能源管理
- 集成第三方动力系统模型(通过 FMI、Simulink 和直接接口)
- 使用 Xpack4 实时计算机设置硬件在环测试
- 自动执行测试场景
- 使用 CarMaker 模拟整车的操控动力学
- 驾驶员、车辆(包括底盘、转向、制动器、轮胎)和道路的仿真模型简介
- 测试车辆动态控制系统和车辆动态控制单元
为了今后更好的为您提供有关我们产品及其不同应用的见解,我们诚邀您参加我们的“在线研讨会”。 我们的专家将让您了解虚拟试驾的不同应用领域,并向您展示我们的产品和解决方案提供的可能性。
在线研讨会定期举行,涉及不同的主题,例如 ADAS、自动驾驶、动力总成、车辆动力学等,用真实的示例和演示让您深入了解虚拟试驾的世界。 在线研讨会期间,我们的工程师随时为您答疑。 抓住这个机会,今天就免费注册。