ADAS Cross-Domain Simulation Platform (2022)

Software-In-The-Loop Solution for ADAS Systems

Advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) and automated driving systems are coming up more and more in vehicles. Simulations of such systems have enormous potential in product development: faster results without complex and safety-critical tests with real prototypes, extensive testing in the entire parameter space and quick insights about the systems to be developed with increasing complexity. Bosch Engineering provides an innovative digital engineering Software in the Loop (SiL) approach for the virtualization of ADAS features. The cross-domain simulation platform enables completely new possibilities for demonstration, development, calibration, validation and verification of advanced driver assistance and automated driving systems without electronic control units (ECUs) or a vehicle.

SiL solution of radar-based features like adaptive cruise control and predictive safety functions is based on virtualised radar software, electronic stability control (ESC) and electronic power steering (EPS) system. The virtual ECUs and models of system components use MATLAB/Simulink as Co-Simulation platform. CarMaker for Simulink is utilized to implement ADAS specific environment inclusive necessary scenarios. The vehicle models and sensor models are calibrated according to project requirements to create an environment comparable with real system prototype.

Bosch Engineering offers the ADAS simulation platform for software-in-the-loop test activities, first calibration of features participated on different ECUs and develops an automated tool chain for scenario execution and evaluation of measurements. This platform can be realized for internal and customer specific simulation activities. An additional application is vehicle driving simulator as ADAS feature demonstrator or for driving trainings.