Our vision
For a safe and eco-friendly mobility, we shape more efficient and increasingly virtual development processes for all types of vehicles.
Our mission
We have been partnering with customers worldwide on vehicle projects, from initial drafts to over-the-air updates, since 1984.
With our end-to-end solutions we help to reduce the need for expensive real prototypes, shorten time to market, guarantee system security and implement test processes that are traceable at any time
By making simulation as well as the use of digital twins accessible for everyone, we simplify and speed up daily development work.
值得信赖的合作伙伴:我们精通 IT 和交通行业的语言。开发创新的软硬件解决方案,并将其应用于交通工具的发展,是我们工作的核心。基于伙伴关系的紧密合作对我们、我们的团队以及我们的合作伙伴和客户都非常重要。
What we are really proud of

For us, collaboration is key. We work in a team of colleagues spanning across the globe, exchange with our international customers and cooperate with our partners. We meet regional market requirements and the individual needs of our customers with a wide-ranging knowledge network.

Our Support team is dedicated to providing optimal and prompt assistance to customers using our products – whether remotely or on site. We strive to answer questions as quickly as possible and stand by our customers’ side worldwide.

Our customers are at the core of our solutions. That is why we are adapting our products to meet individual customer needs. We are also investigating the extent to which specific solutions can be integrated into our tool environment and developed further to make them available for broad application

We have been standing for high-quality end-to-end solutions you can rely on since the foundation of our company. With our deep industry knowledge and long-standing expertise, bolstered by collaboration with automotive leaders, we understand the challenges our customers face.

Our product portfolio for virtual test driving centers on software and hardware simulation solutions. To ensure our tools are as user friendly as possible, seamless integration into our customers’ development environments is essential. Accordingly, our products are open: They can be combined with other conventional tools and offer tailored interfaces to integrate with products from our numerous partners.

From the first draft to homologation, including over-the-air updates, and from model-in-the-loop to vehicle-in-the-loop, we provide support throughout the entire vehicle development process. The products in our portfolio are perfectly aligned and can be utilized for specific applications or at every stage of the process. Our Consulting team and Support team offer expert guidance every step of the way.
这不仅是我们与客户合作的方式,也是我们团队内部的合作方式。工作安全、众多福利、公平工资和合作领导只是我们如何对全球 400 多名同事负责的几个例子。在全球范围内,我们还坚持公平待遇和交易。我们致力于人权、多样性和包容性。此外,我们还支持当地社区:每年,我们都会向卡尔斯鲁厄当地的协会(Hanne-Landgraf-Stiftung、Verein für krebskranke Kinder Karlsruhe e.V.)以及全球性组织(如 SOS Kinderdörfer)捐款

TISAX 认证(可信信息安全评估交流)旨在不断优化汽车工程领域客户敏感数据的处理。

质量管理标准 ISO 9001:2015 认证强调了我们提供可靠的产品和服务并持续改进的理念。

由 TÜV Nord 根据 IDO 26262-8 对工具可信度等级 (TCL) 进行认证,是应用程序开发中软件产品质量保证的既定标准。