



CarMaker Online-Tutorials

01 - CarMaker Introduction

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Learn what you can expect from our video series Online Tutorials, how to get started with CarMaker and where to find help such as product examples and documentations.

02 - IPGMovie

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IPGMovie is the animation tool that visualizes any of your tests. In addition to background scenes and weather settings, you are able to parameterize lenses for the simulation of real-world cameras.

03 - IPGControl

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With IPGControl, you can represent all parameters that are generated during a test drive. In this video you will learn the bases to use IPGControl and to directly analyze data.

04 - Postprocessing

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In addition to representing various signals with IPGControl, you will learn about other possibilities to visualize and process data.

05 - Scenario Editor - Part 1

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The Scenario Editor allows to generate individual road networks in CarMaker. This tutorial offers you an introduction to the many possibilities for scenario generation, including vegetation, buildings, traffic signs and terrain.

05 - Scenario Editor - Part 2

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The Scenario Editor allows to generate individual road networks in CarMaker. This tutorial offers you an introduction to the many possibilities for scenario generation, including vegetation, buildings, traffic signs and terrain.

05 - Scenario Editor - Part 3

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The Scenario Editor allows to generate individual road networks in CarMaker. This tutorial offers you an introduction to the many possibilities for scenario generation, including vegetation, buildings, traffic signs and terrain.

06 - Vehicle Model

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The test drive focuses on the vehicle. In this Online Tutorial, you will learn how to choose and parameterize different vehicle models.

07 - IPGDriver

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The driver model IPGDriver was developed by IPG Automotive. It simulates a real driver with reaction times, personal judgement, emotions and much more. In this video, we show you the basic driver parameterization and provide insights into the driver model.

08 - Maneuver

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Maneuvers describe a sequence of instructions that instruct the driver in the simulation how to act. The maneuver tutorial provides insights into available mini maneuvers that add up to a holistic maneuver.

09 - Realtime Expressions

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Realtime Expressions is an own programming language that can be used at different marked positions in CarMaker. In this Online Tutorial, you gain an overview of the commands and syntax and see an example in the maneuver dialog.

10 - User Accessible Quantities & Direct Variable Access

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All signals that are calculated in a simulation are called user accessible quantities (UAQ). UAQ can be sighted during and after simulation with IPGControl for example, but they can also be manipulated dynamically during simulation. For online manipulation, DVA (direct variable access) is used and possible variables are overwritten. In this video, you can find out more about DVA, which UAQ have access and how they can be modified during simulation.

11 - Input from File

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Using Input From File, data from an external file can serve as input in simulation. In our Online Tutorial we show you step by step where to find the file, which form is required (syntax) and how to integrate it in simulation.

12 - CarMaker Extensions – CarMaker for Simulink

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CarMaker offers an interface to MATLAB Simulink which allows for co-simulation with MATLAB and CarMaker. This video explains how to create the interface, where to find different CarMaker blocks and how to simulate them.

13 - CarMaker Extensions – Simulink Plugins

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Simulink enables to create plugins that can subsequently be used in CarMaker. Find out more about the interface, the creation of plugins and obtain numerous examples.

14 - CarMaker Extensions – FMI

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CarMaker also supports the well-known format FMU (functional mockup unit) and has a FMI (functional mockup interface) that allows for the integration of FMUs. Find out how to integrate FMUs into CarMaker and how to link and simulate signals in this video.

15 - Test Automation

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In this Online Tutorial, we present our own test automation tool Test Manager. Test Manager allows to generate complete test series, vary parameters and run a high number of tests. Learn how to open Test Manager and to generate a test series and a report in this video.

16 - API Pyhon

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17 - Movie NX

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18 - Traffic

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CarMaker User Training


K1 - Traffic Settings

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CarMaker 12.0.1 での車両・歩行者などの周辺交通(Traffic)の設定方法をご案内します。

K2 - 車両の3DモデルをBlenderで調整する方法

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CarMakerのMovie NXへ車両の3Dモデルを取り込むために、Blenderで調整する方法を解説いたします。

CarMakerのMovie NXで車両の3Dモデルを取り込む手順についてはMovie NXで車両の3Dモデルを取り込む方法をご覧ください

K3 - Movie NXで車両の3Dモデルを取り込む方法

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CarMaker 13.1.1でのMovie NXにて自作の3Dオブジェクトを取り込むための設定方法をご案内します。こちらの動画では、3Dオブジェクトを用意した後のCarMaker関連で行う設定方法をご説明します。
