IPG Automotiveの強み
Our goal is not only to shape the mobility of the future, but also to drive it. As a partner for our customers, we help to accompany and optimize their processes step by step. We believe in a digital and sustainable future. This is what we work for every day.
Our vision
For a safe and eco-friendly mobility, we shape more efficient and increasingly virtual development processes for all types of vehicles.
Shaping future mobility drives us
Increasing digitization in the industry is vital
Protecting and preserving our environment
Our mission
We have been partnering with customers worldwide on vehicle projects, from initial drafts to over-the-air updates, since 1984.
With our end-to-end solutions we help to reduce the need for expensive real prototypes, shorten time to market, guarantee system security and implement test processes that are traceable at any time
By making simulation as well as the use of digital twins accessible for everyone, we simplify and speed up daily development work.
信頼できるパートナーとして: 私たちはITとモビリティ業界の言葉でお話しします。モビリティ開発のための革新的なソフトウェアとハードウェアのソリューションを開発することが、私たちの仕事の中核です。パートナーシップに基づく緊密な協力関係は、私たちのチームにとっても、パートナーやお客様にとっても非常に重要です。
What we are really proud of

For us, collaboration is key. We work in a team of colleagues spanning across the globe, exchange with our international customers and cooperate with our partners. We meet regional market requirements and the individual needs of our customers with a wide-ranging knowledge network.

Our Support team is dedicated to providing optimal and prompt assistance to customers using our products – whether remotely or on site. We strive to answer questions as quickly as possible and stand by our customers’ side worldwide.

Our customers are at the core of our solutions. That is why we are adapting our products to meet individual customer needs. We are also investigating the extent to which specific solutions can be integrated into our tool environment and developed further to make them available for broad application

We have been standing for high-quality end-to-end solutions you can rely on since the foundation of our company. With our deep industry knowledge and long-standing expertise, bolstered by collaboration with automotive leaders, we understand the challenges our customers face.

Our product portfolio for virtual test driving centers on software and hardware simulation solutions. To ensure our tools are as user friendly as possible, seamless integration into our customers’ development environments is essential. Accordingly, our products are open: They can be combined with other conventional tools and offer tailored interfaces to integrate with products from our numerous partners.

From the first draft to homologation, including over-the-air updates, and from model-in-the-loop to vehicle-in-the-loop, we provide support throughout the entire vehicle development process. The products in our portfolio are perfectly aligned and can be utilized for specific applications or at every stage of the process. Our Consulting team and Support team offer expert guidance every step of the way.
お客様との関係だけでなく、私たちのチーム内でも、同じ目線で協力し合うことが大切です。労働安全性、多くの福利厚生、公正な賃金、協力的なリーダーシップは、私たちが世界中の400人以上の従業員に対してどのような責任を負っているかを示すほんの一例にすぎません。グローバルな規模で、私たちは公正な待遇と取引にも取り組んでいます。私たちは人権、多様性、インクルージョンに取り組んでいます。さらに、地域社会への支援も行っています。 毎年、カールスルーエの地元団体(Hanne-Landgraf-Stiftung、Verein für krebskranke Kinder Karlsruhe e.V.)や世界的な団体(SOS Kinderdörferなど)に寄付を行っています。
持続可能な成功には、持続可能な企業慣行が必要です。私たちの企業倫理は強固な基盤の上に成り立っています。 腐敗と贈収賄の排除、利益相反の防止、そして絶え間ない法令遵守。また、従業員および顧客のデータや情報のセキュリティは、私たちの最優先事項です。

TISAX(Trusted Information Security Assessment Exchange)認証は、自動車工学の分野において、機密性の高い顧客データの取り扱いを常に最適化するためのものです。

品質マネジメントシステム規格ISO 9001:2015に基づく認証は、製品とサービスを確実に提供し、継続的に改善するという当社の主張を強調しています。

TÜV NordによるIDO 26262-8に準拠したツール信頼性レベル(TCL)の認証は、アプリケーション開発におけるソフトウェア製品の品質保証のために定義された基準です。