Apply & Innovate – La conférence internationale sur la technologie

Get ready for Apply & Innovate 2024

This year’s Apply & Innovate will take place at the Gartenhalle in Karlsruhe from September 11–12.
On both days, you can look forward to a varied presentation program, an accompanying trade exhibition and plenty of time to meet people and network.

Furthermore, the evening event at the end of the first conference day will also be the opportunity for us to celebrate our company anniversary with you.
We look forward to your registration as participants of Apply & Innovate 2024, and to welcome you in Karlsruhe soon!

Apply & Innovate 2024 program

Discover the event program for Apply & Innovate 2024 here!
During two days, 36 inspiring presentations and keynotes from our customers and partners covering a wide range of topics await you.



08:00–09:00 a.m.

Registration and breakfast

09:00–09:15 a.m.

Welcome and opening of Apply & Innovate

09:15–10:00 a.m.


10:00–10:30 a.m.

Coffee break and exhibition

TimeX-in-the-LoopADAS/AD: Test Scenarios

10:30–11:00 a.m.

Leveraging Virtual Testing from Algorithm to Vehicle Level in Series Application Projects at Continental Engineering Services

Continental Engineering Services GmbH

Accelerating the Scenario Loop

DeepScenario GmbH

11:00–11:30 a.m.

Accelerating Radar Development Based on Virtual Scenarios on a HoL Environment

Robert Bosch GmbH

Scalable Data Generation for ADAS/AD through Time and Area Pooling of Multi-Drone Recordings

Enhancing spatial and temporal resolution in real-world scenario analysis

Automatum Data GmbH

11:30 a.m.–12:00

Virtual ADAS Testing with Real Vehicles

Pulling the test track into the lab and your vehicle never feels a difference - Setting up a VIL test lab for ADAS testing

Keysight Technologies Deutschland GmbH & Audi AG

IAV Mela: Innovative AI-Powered Automatic Scenario Creation and Modification for ADAS/AD Virtual Validation


12:00–01:30 p.m.

Lunch break and exhibition

TimePowertrainTest Processes: Test Benches

01:30–02:00 p.m.

Complete Vehicle Testing on an Engine Test Bench

Impact of different vehicle operating strategies on the combustion engine

Audi AG

Tire-in-the-Loop – Test Method

Proof of concept at internal drum test bench

Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)

02:00–02:30 p.m.

Realizing Shift Performance Evaluation through Transmission-HiLS

Toyota Motor Corporation

Vehicle-in-the-Loop Testbed and Motion Laboratory

Testing ADAS in a virtual environment with realistic pedestrian interactions

Technische Universität Berlin

02:30–03:00 p.m.

Dynamic Route Switching in CarMaker

Volkswagen AG & Kristl, Seibt & Co Ges.m.b.H.

Consistency of the Development Tool Chain through Combined Test Environments and Virtual Simulations

From base calibration to type approval with a consistent tool chain

APL Automobil Prüftechnik Landau GmbH

03:00–04:00 p.m.

Coffee break and exhibition

TimeTest AutomationVirtual Reality & Driving Simulators

04:00–04:30 p.m.

Advanced Continuous Integration / Continuous Testing

A toolchain as a standardized prerequisite for virtual testing

Continental Engineering Services GmbH

Weather-Aware XiL Systems

Insights from the ROADVIEW project

CARISSMA - Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt

04:30–05:00 p.m.

Adaptive Test Automation Framework Using TCL Scripting for Validation

KPIT Technologies Ltd.


Unity-based integration of CarMaker into the AUDEx project for the operation of a driving simulator

Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften (HAW) Hamburg

From 05:00 p.m.

End of day 1 and transition to evening event


08:45–09:00 a.m.

Start of day 2

09:00–09:45 a.m.


09:45–10:00 a.m.

Coffee break and exhibition

TimeSimulation CredibilityVehicle-in-the-Loop & Euro NCAP

10:00–10:30 a.m.

Building Credibility Together

Cross-company collaboration for credible simulation standards

Robert Bosch GmbH

VIL Method Based on an AEB Maneuver

Objectification of the full vehicle test with real and virtual targets using the Vehicle-in-the-Loop method based on an AEB maneuver

Hochschule Kempten

10:30–11:00 a.m.

Digital Twin-Based Simulated Automotive Radar for Virtual Testing


Proving Ground Automation for Scenario-Based Validation Tests

Linking CarMaker and proving ground

DEKRA Automobil GmbH

11:00–11:15 a.m.

Coffee break and exhibition

TimeControl System Calibration Using Driving SimulatorsModel-Based Development

11:15–11:45 a.m.

Virtual ECUs on Driving Simulators with CarMaker

Audi AG & Synopsys Inc.

How Do You Measure the Validity of Traffic Models?

Comparing the driveBOT driver model with state-of-the-art machine learning approaches using public datasets

cogniBIT GmbH

11:45 a.m.–12:15 p.m.

System Integration of 6DOF Motion Platform with Virtual Reality for Scenario-based Testing of Autonomous Electric Vehicle (AEV) Using CarMaker

University of Nottingham Malaysia

Scalable Simulation Framework for Synthetic Data Generation to Test Higher Automation Levels

Valeo Schalter und Sensoren GmbH

12:15–01:45 p.m.

Lunch break and exhibition

TimeVehicle DynamicsADAS/AD: Accident Prevention

01:45–02:15 p.m.

Simulation Based Pre-Adjustment (SiPA) of Brake System’s Control Functions

Connecting simulation and artificial intelligence methods

Continental Automotive Technolgies GmbH

A Customized Lidar Sensor Ethernet Interface for the Software Validation in a Closed-Loop Virtual Environment

Rear accident prevention for Linde forklift trucks

Linde Material Handling GmbH (KION Group AG)

02:15–02:45 p.m.


Hardware & Software-in-the-Loop Methodology to Explore Anti Block System by Electric Regenerative Brake for Motorcycles

Real time testing and exploration of software integrated electric powertrain for motorcycles: conventional ABS and regenerative braking with E-PT behavior

Soluzioni Ingegneria srl & Typhoon HIL

Co-Simulation Framework for Emergency Avoidance Assessment Virtual Validation

Integrating scenario-based testing for emergency lane keeping and minimum risk manoeuvres

Valeo Mobility Tech Center

02:45–03:15 p.m.

Context-Based AI Systems for Robust Yaw Rate and Trajectory Predictions in Autonomous Driving

Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg

Model Based Development for ADAS Functions Fusing Physical and Virtual World

Auto parking system and auto emergency brake system

AISIN Corporation

03:15–03:45 p.m.

Coffee break and exhibition

TimeTest ProcessesADAS/AD: Special Applications

03:45–04:15 p.m.

GenericXiL with CarMaker

From scenario to driving function testing


Vineyard Scenario Generation and Optimal Control for Automated Operations in Virtual Environment

Co-simulation of vehicle dynamics, environment and in-field sensors according to the latest precision farming technologies

Soluzioni Ingegneria srl

04:15–04:45 p.m.

Standards-Based Co-Simulation of Sensor Models

Movie NX and Persival’s lidar sensor simulation with consistent 3D object rendering and motion

Persival GmbH

LSTM-Based Virtual Load Sensor for Heavy-Duty Vehicles

Mass estimation by using machine learning

Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna

04:45–05:15 p.m.

Test and Release of Autonomous Driving Functions

How test workloads can be reduced by automation and intelligent parameterization of scenarios

IAV GmbH & tracetronic GmbH


05:15–05:30 p.m.

Closing and end of conference

Ticket price

 Two-day ticket (Sept. 11+12)One-day ticket (Sept. 11)One-day ticket (Sept. 12)


850 €

520 €

520 €

Student/PhD candidate

395 €

295 €

295 €

We apply 19 % VAT for invoice recipients from Germany.
For invoice recipients from an EU country or third country we apply 0% VAT

Bilan Apply & Innovate 2022

Avec Apply & Innovate, nous organisons tous les deux ans une conférence technologique internationale de deux jours. En 2022, le Konzerthaus de Karlsruhe a accueilli Apply & Innovate. Lors de l'événement, nos clients et partenaires sont montés sur scène avec des présentations fascinantes de différents domaines et ont donné un aperçu de projets communs ainsi que de leurs expériences et succès avec nos solutions. L'exposition commerciale qui l'accompagnait ainsi que l'événement en soirée du premier jour de la conférence ont fourni plus de temps et d'espace pour le réseautage.

Notre plateforme vidéo donne un aperçu des présentations d'Apply & Innovate 2022 – laissez-vous inspirer et participez (à nouveau) à l'événement la prochaine fois !

Faites le tour de Apply & Innovate 2022

Apprenez-en davantage sur les présentations et l’événement en général.

Nous donnons la parole à nos clients et partenaires : Qu'est-ce que les participants à la manifestation ont à dire sur Apply & Innovate ?

Les expositions professionnelles ont présenté de nouveaux produits, des projets communs et bien plus encore - par exemple des démonstrations en direct et des simulateurs de conduite.

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